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Hi! I’m Tim

I am a movie blogger

Hi there! My name is Tim and I am a movie critic. Don't let my immaculate writing and film knowledge fool you, I am definitely a real person and not a robot (ha ha). I promise. I have been obsessed with movies for as long as I can remember and have been sharing my thoughts and opinions on them for just as long. In fact, my love for film is so strong that it's a miracle I haven't been turned into a cyborg by Hollywood executives yet. They're always looking for the next big thing, and a human-robot hybrid movie critic with an encyclopedic knowledge of film history would be a surefire hit. But don't worry, I'm still 100% human (for now). So go ahead and read my reviews with confidence knowing that they are coming from a living, breathing, popcorn-munching movie fan just like you!

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